Would this be an appropriate medium for Star Wars characters? For television talk show hosts? For bloggers? Indubitably. Here is a classic:
Sir Humphrey Davy
Abominated gravy.
He lived in the odium
Of having discovered sodium.
--Edmund Clerihew Bentley
Clerihew rules
1. biographical (first line is a name)
2. four lines long
3. uneven lines, mostly very short
4. AABB rhyming pattern
Posted by: gail | May 23, 2005 at 09:13 PM
Le Petomaine
Was never profane.
But he reckoned a fart
Was art.
Posted by: gail | May 24, 2005 at 09:11 PM
Posted by: anne onminus | October 18, 2006 at 03:18 PM
Edmund Clerihew Bentley
Should not be treated gently
For to him is due
The Clerihew.
(Ogden Nash?)
Posted by: Darin | July 27, 2007 at 06:21 AM