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Thank you, Jonathan! What an intelligent looking dog. Except for the collar. Is it confounding him or merely embarassing him?


He seems to be smiling for the camera.


On him, it looks good.


He looks like he gets brushed frequently. (My maltese hates the brush and therefore tends to look pretty ratty.

Scott P

Awwwww.... He's got a smile like he ate more of that pork last night than you did.

maggie katzen

he can't be that smart. we couldn't keep a stupid collar on the cat. as soon as we took our eyes off of her the thing came off.


I know everybody's dog is "the smartest dog in the world," but Max is pretty sharp. I had to start spelling certain words in his presence, but he now knows how to spell "cheese", (and many other food items) so that's been changed to "that yellow stuff." He's been out of the collar once, Maggie, but he's so sensitive that when you raise your voice at him, he's devastated and mopey for hours.


I love me a dog in a satellite dish.


Shelties are known for their sensitivity. You could hit an English pointer over the head with a two by four and it wouldn't make a dent.


Gail! I did hit your English pointer over the head with a 2 x 4 and it DID make a dent! Haven't you seen the make-up I put on her to cover it?

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