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OH MY GOD YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This makes my day. (Jeff, the really really superb stuff that you write really makes my day, too. But Anna Nicole is such a ho.)


Admit it Ana, we admire the intellect but we love the raunch.


Raunch rules. You long for Jesusland. I know you do.

Rob B.

Raunch, it's good on anything! Pizza, Salad, Hotwings...

That prety much Anna Nicoles diet, too.


I'm off to San Diego for a Maryland crab feast. My MIL has DSL, so I'll try to check in in between mouthfuls of crab. I'll miss the beer.

Rob B.

Do yourself the favor of never trying the "near beer", that's a fate worse than death. Besides crab, will more than compensate. If it doesn't smoke a nice cigar aferwards with a strong expresso. Or a pipe, pipes are good.

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