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Pie Shell

I will speculate: Mommies would need at least a gram of it to sit through a full 1/2 hour of the show.

Teletubbies are the anti-christ.


They're MUCH worse than Barney, and that's sayin sumpin.

Pie Shell

Seriously, I want to know how this show can be considered educational... they are brightly colored alien beings who do not articulate - they make silly sounds and jump around... they made Gabby cry! I understand the colors and simple shapes being stimulating to an infant but they say the show was geared toward 3-5 year olds????

They now have "Boombah" - another version of the tubbies...

Barney bugs me but at least he sang, told stories, spoke and interacted with (waaaaay too happy) children.

Frightening... (off my soapbox).

Scott P

Boombah is really creepy.


Boombah, much like the Big Pink Bunny, is merely misunderstood by the masses.


Shell sent me an article by a lady who called the Boombahs "little dancing tumors."

Pie Shell

Oh no. Julie. No honey. Noooooooooooo!

Scott P

Julie, you're delirious. Go back to bed.


So Jerry Falwell was right?


Jerry Falwell, much like the Big Pink Bunny, was crocheted by thousands of granmothers.

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