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Scott P

That's really cool.


Extrordinary. I love the interior shots on the link page. Your pic is better than anything at the link site, though. Those two buildings on the right lower and rear quadrants - are they outbuildings or attached to the barn itself?

Pie Shell

Isn't it? Hey Scott - don't know how often (if ever) you get to the intersection of Cave Creek and Cactus... but just South of Cactus Rd on Cave Creek Rd there are (or were a year ago - still standing)3 geodesic domes... the "Hiking Shack" bought them when I was 12. I live there! Those domes were my home! ha haaaaaaaaaa! Kevin (my little brother) and I would spend countless hours carving the weird insulation foam crap that leaked out of every joint in the wall (and in a sphere, there are many joints!)... WOW.



Pie Shell

live = lived. No, I no longer live there if it exists, thank god.

Scott P

Never seen them, Shell. I used to have to drive up to Shea Rd. every morning to go to school, but that's about as far north as I got.


Jonathan, I think those structures are attached to the barn.


Ah. The lightses plays trickses, they do.

Scott P

'Specially after a few glasses of wine, it does...


I could be mistaken, though. I'll check next time I drive by. I tried taking pictures of the horses in their nearby paddock, but I couldn't get a good focus.

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