From CNS News:
An Anglican church leader in Baghdad has warned that Iraqi Christians could be adversely affected by a Church of England bishops' report criticizing the Iraq war and suggesting that Christians apologize to Muslims.
"They've got to take seriously the Anglican churches in these [Muslim] nations," the Church of England Newspaper quoted Canon Andrew White as saying in its weekly edition published on Friday.
"The situation is dangerous on the ground and what is said in the U.K. has a profound effect," he added. . . .
White is the rector of the St George's Memorial Church, Iraq's only Anglican congregation. He is also a Church of England expert on issues regarding reconciliation in the Middle East, and has been involved in conflict resolution and hostage negotiations.
White noted with evident dismay that the drafters of the report -- four leading Church of England bishops-- had not contacted the Anglican bishop responsible for Iraq, Clive Handford, whose area of responsibility includes Jerusalem, Iraq, Iran, Egypt and the Gulf.
Read what these poobahs had to say while their pompous British asses were safely ensconsed in their gentlemen's clubs.
Stupid fucking Anglican fucktard asshole bootlickers. Appease them! Appease them! We are milquetoast! Everyone is like us and if we're just nice enough to them they will leave our coward asses aloooooooone. SHUT UP ANGLICAN PRIESTS!
There's blame enough to go around. Everyone say you're sorry and go back to playing nicely. Jimmy, we'll stitch up that knife wound later. You probably asked for it anyway. Say you're sorry again. Ali, I trust you've learned your lesson about sharp things! Everyone play nicely now. And Jimmy, try to stop spurting blood, would you? It's making a terrible mess.
Sometimes my church makes me want to cry.
Posted by: Ana | September 30, 2005 at 07:30 AM
The thing is, they can believe any twaddle they want, and they can talk any piffle they want in private, but they're in positions of responsibility and their public pronouncements have very real consequences. It's just so British of them to presume that they know what's best for the wogs and to act without even consulting the people on the ground (cuz they're wogs, y'know) who might be persecuted or murdered as a result--all because THEY went to Eton and Oxbridge and THEIR opinions are the important ones.
Posted by: gail | September 30, 2005 at 07:52 AM