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Scott P


prairie biker



I love when the boys fight over me.

Scott P

She's MINE, PB!!!!

Well, and Warren's, and Craig's, and JWebb's, and yours, and MCs, and Rob's, and Hood's, and Dorkas, and AGRs, and Bob's, and Jeff's, and Major John's, and 300,000 visit McGehee's, and RTO's, and all the other fellas, and don't forget the ladies...

Scott P

And Lloyd's, and SeanH's...


Don't forget Jake.


Good night everybody

Scott P

Oops, and Jake...

That's the problem with lists, they never end.

About time to hit the hay. Good night, all you Scribal pals!

prairie biker

Jeepers Scott! You tired her out!

night ya'll.


in response to your response to the red wime bit(sorry I don't get online too often)

I'm keeping as warm as I can with temps around 8 farenheit and wind chills well in the negative and yes I got the balaklava it's made a world of difference

still need a filter mask thingthing to ride downtown the pollution from cars and factories is worse than smoking at least I can throw the ciggy away the exhaust pipe from the semi is in my face no matter what

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