This uplifting bit of Euro-news from Peaktalk, via DhimmiWatch:
Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s neighbors have sued the Dutch state in order to get
her to be removed from the apartment complex in which she is living
under police protection. The request was initially rejected, but
following an appeal a higher court has now ordered Hirsi Ali to leave her house within four months.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a member of the Dutch parliament who has been threatened by religio-fascist Islamists for "insulting the Prophet" or some such babyish, spiteful, masturbatory* tripe. She was the scriptwriter for Theo Van Gogh's film, Submission, which led to his brutal murder by an Islamist fanatic. The legal reason for eviction? Her presence violates the HUMAN RIGHTS
of the people in her apartment complex, who have been made to feel
nervous as a result of threats to HER life. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of the bravest and noblest people on earth, which is considerably more than one can say for her neighbors.
*Although you have to give the Islamists credit for this -- it's surprising they can fashion even the most rudimentary explosive device with one hand continually occupied.