How could you?
“The Mr. Coffee machine that every Texas legislator has near his desk has three violations of the law [against personal possession of lab equipment that could be used to manufacture methamphetamines] built into it: a filter funnel, a Pyrex beaker, and a heating element."
--Shawn Carlson, qtd in Wired
Somewhere in the equation you need the boiling ether.
(Seriously, how bad do you have to want to get high in order to want to boil ether? That's not a "long term" health decison to make lightly.)
Posted by: Rob B. | May 31, 2006 at 01:08 PM
whats biolign ethar do to u?
aside form teh ol' hilghyly-inflamable-liquiid-ovar-a-opan-flame issue. or is taht why 'longg term' is in scarequots?
sory i just hit 14 huours at teh ofice. not real lucid.
Posted by: HA HA HA | May 31, 2006 at 08:37 PM