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Scott P

Good morning! Travel day, blecch.


Have a safe trip, Scott. And a pleasant one if possible.

Scott P

Thanks, Gail. It was way too short. I have a 3 hour layover in DFW, so it looks like I'm paying the blood money for T mobile wi-fi.

Did I mention that T- Mobile absolutely sucks for not providing free wi-fi? What a good opportunity for goodwill it would have provided them. Instead, I get to opine on how much they suck. Yes, T-Mobile sucks.

Did I mention that Sky Harbor, on the other hand, is happy to provide free wi-fi? Yes, Sky Harbor rocks.

Okay. Enough ranting. About how much T-Mobile sucks.


Rob B.

When is your layover? I work 10 minutes from DFW. Maybe we can "do lunch."

Rob B.

I'll check back around noonish

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