It's not necessarily a bad thing:
Dutch findings suggest one in 25 people regularly hears voices.
Contrary to traditional belief, hearing voices is not necessarily a symptom of mental illness, UK researchers at Manchester University say.
Indeed, many who hear voices do not seek help and say the voices have a positive impact on their lives, comforting or inspiring them.
I do, occasionally, but it's usually the refrigerator's compressor grumbling.
Late at night I constantly hear a muffled voice saying 'eat me, Jake.. eat me.." Its that damn Breyers Natural Vanilla in my freezer.. cant shut her up..
Posted by: Jake | September 19, 2006 at 09:07 AM
Heck, I hear voices all the time - what?
Not now, nurse, I'm talkin' to Elvis here...
Posted by: JJM | September 19, 2006 at 09:32 AM
As long as you don't answer, it's ok.
Posted by: mojo | September 19, 2006 at 09:44 AM
I hear voices all the time! Every time that phone rings! And I hear that Spongebob character laughing every evening at 8! And even from the other rooms in the house, I hear strange voices calling "Mo-o-om!"
Posted by: Miss Cellania | September 19, 2006 at 01:54 PM