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Yay, it's been a while. Two WTHNBSITPO candidates in one post!!

"We have some puppet camel things..."

"We have a cow hood thing..."


You're going to have to translate, Craig.


Wearing a spooky cow hood thing is a perfectly fine alternate lifestyle choice.. and people that choose that lifestyle should not be discriminated against.. You go PETA !

Miss Cellania

Looks like PETA is protesting by bombardment, sending out the same protest letter to every church that announces a "live nativity" without checking to see if they use animals or not. You can move a lot of paper if you don't bother to check the facts of each case.


Words That Have Never Been Spoken In This Particular Order.


Right Miss C. It's one of the things I dislike about self-righteous crusader types. They tend to lump people together and not treat them as individuals.

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