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Scott P

Good morning, all. Darn, it's cold today. And still dark.


Morning! Raining here.

But, I bought a new book last night, so all is well. Oriana Fallaci.


Which one Carin?


The Force of Reason.I debated long and hard between that and (The Rage and the Pride; reading snippets of each. Finally, I settled on the second of the set. My bil is going to mail me his copy of Rage and Pride.

First quotable :

[t]he rage and the pride have married each other and produced a sturdy son; the disdain. And disdain has intensified my cogitation, reinvigorated my reason.

She has a way with teh words.


I am up early. I crashed way early. I do not like being up this early. It is scary.


Julie, we are here for you. Do you need us to help talk you through it?

Scott P

Julie, it is always lightest before the dark.


Carin, please explain. What is this little "a.m." light on my clock?


Scott, even I know that ain't right.


It stands for awful morning.

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