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Marco McClean

1. Why do you think they were called banana republics? Fruit companies have been utter gangsters in Central and South America.

Locally, meaning here in the U.S., when mob bosses are put on trial for murder, arson, trafficking in slaves, buying elections, and/or cheating on taxes, people line up to tell all the good the mob boss has done the neighborhood-- put kids through college, paid off a family's medical bills, got the potholes fixed, etc. But if crime got the boss the money and power to do those good things...

3. All I could remember of the joke was the punchline and the point, and that was enough to find it: http://www.humorbin.com/showitem.asp?item=20

4. Whimsy plays a part. The NPR reporters might have been making a point about the OCD-like levels anti-terrorist concerns have reached.


I don't really think they should be making points like that in a news story, only in an editorial. It's actually a better story when you point out, as CBS did, that Chiquita was paying protection money to both sides.

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