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Carin AKA Crazy Dude 96

umh. I got nothing.

Rob B.

So, in this case, would a feminist consider that empowering or degrading?
Because you have to think the "look at the way she's dressed/she was asking for it" defense is going to come into play if this becomes a legitiment fashion trend.

Seriously, that's a bad, bad idea.


shoulda been sexy, yet somehow not


Decidedly not. What makes it not sexy for guys? For me, it's just stupid looking and slutty.

prairie biker

nothing says "sleazy ho" like letting it all hang out.


looks like she doesn't know how to dress.

not particularly flattering where the bare flesh is.

and, alas, sometimes less is more


She's calling to get a refund. She only got half her order of jeans. And they totally forgot to throw in the side of bra.





Not to mention, her breasts look like lemon reamers.


She could put somebody's eye out.

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