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Good morning, folks. Hope everyone's weekend was nice.

Zsa Zsa

Good morning!...


Hi Sean! You're an early bird. Hi ZsaZsa!

Scott P

Morning, all.


Hi Sean!!!!

Morning all.


I wonder how Carin's dad is doing. Haven't heard anything in a couple of days.

Carin AKA Crazy Dude 96

Thanks for asking, Gail. He's still on a respirator. He's off bp medicine, but isn't well enough to take off the machine (they are doing a test right now to see how he's breathing.) They did a test yesterday, and he did "fair." They just checked, and he did have an ulcer - which they clipped (they JUST did that.) He not awake- or when he sorta wakes up he still really out of it. They stopped giving him sedation/pain medication Sunday at 2 am, but since his kidney function is down it takes a long time for it to leave his system.

Zsa Zsa

God bless Carin and her Dad!

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