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Carin AKA Crazy Dude 96

Morning everyone.

Scott P

Hi Carin, et al. How's your dad?



Carin AKA Crazy Dude 96

He started talking (in sentences) yesterday! Last night. He hadn't remember that I was even there (for three hours) earlier. The dialysis really helped t clear his head. He's going to be on it for a week, until HOPE/PRAY his/my kidney recovers.

Scott P

Will do, Carin. Hi, Gail


Do they have any idea what caused everything to go south all of a sudden?

Zsa Zsa

Good morning!... Carin, maybe you can will your former kidney to do well??? Dialysis is a wonderful blessing! God bless your dad soooo much!



Carin AKA Crazy Dude 96

Gail, he got a bacterial infection that went sepsis. The infection was mainly in his leg, but really it was everywhere.

Carin AKA Crazy Dude 96

Went septic. duh.

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