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prairie biker

I like both views because together they present a more complete picture of who she is.


As for me, I like the look of Jill the beauty queen.. She's beautiful, sexy, clean..
An image designed to please..

Being a soldier isnt about simple appearances.. It's a difficult, dirty and often dangerous job done in service to one's country...

As a Beauty Queen she's pretty to look at but as a soldier she's earned my respect...


Then again, I do love a woman in a uniform =)

Rob B.

Let's see, "girl in tiara" or "girl with gun in camo?"

Hands down, it's soldier all the way.


Sgt. Jill Stevens is a Viking. Still, nice tiara. A girl's gotta have a tiara.


I think her face is absolutely radiant in the Afghanistan picture.


You're right.

Brittany Robinson

She is amazing no matter what picture she is in, love ya Jill:)

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