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Question from last night; what is that pie Ana was talking about?


No idea. I'm waiting for her to explain once she gets her head out of the bucket.


Whoopie Pie. Two very large chocolate cake muffin top thingies. About the size of large pancakes. The flat part of these are slathered with chocolate ganache. Sandwiched between these two discs of hell is a thick layer of heavily sugared whipped cream.



Grammar Patooey:

"I'm getting to where I can...."

This makes me insane. Criminally insane. Why Gail? Is it right? Can a person say "to where" without having to pay a large fine or suffer dire consequence? I'm going to become a grammar vigilante. Too damned bad about my spelling.


Sorry, Ana. It's just ugly but not grammatically incorrect. The "where" clause is acting as the object of the preposition "to."


I'm mellllllllllltiiiiiiing!

Sweet Jesus on a cracker say it isn't so.


I quit English. It's all German all the time for me from this moment forth.


Just because it can be parsed doesn't mean it's pretty though. It's a very clumsy expression.


Ok, got a picture of a "whoopie pie" on my blog. Inquiring minds had to know.


That's the one, Carin. I was mauled by that thar Whoopie Pie.

It's turning into a bad day. Time for some retail therapy.

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