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locust eater


Above the trees
A hawk wheels screaming
Against the azure sky
Where cloud-dragons twist and coil

About my feet
The chipmunks skitter

The sky darkens with eve
The hawk finds its nest
The cloud-dragons are gone
The chipmunks settle in their burrows

The dog barks
And appears with his owner for a walk.

Bunnies appear
Cautious and quiet
Ears atwist

Evening birds sing
A bat swoops by

I poke the fire and sparks fly up
Fireflies blink
Stars peek

Peace soaks in

May peace and joy surround you

Scott P

Wow, LE. I can barely say Good Morning...


Yeah. The early bird publishes the poem.

prairie biker

sorority babes
returning in droves, tan, lean
herald summer's ebb


Lovely, PB

prairie biker

yes gail, yes they are.



Chicken go cluck-cluck,
Cow go moo.
Piggy go oink-oink,
how bout you?

Lemur go pff-pff,
Ostrich go baah.
Koala go arr-arr
Crow go caw.

Wanna be an animal just like you.

(This is all that remains of this ancient Chinese folksong..)

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