Brussels Journal makes a connection between two eras of anti-Semitism:
During the Second World War, the Nazis worked on plans to build the “Amerikabomber,” an airplane specially devised to fly suicide missions into Manhattan’s skyscrapers.
Albert Speer, the Nazi Minister for Armaments, recalled in his diary: “It was almost as if [Hitler] was in a delirium when he described to us how New York would go up in flames. He imagined how the skyscrapers would turn into huge blazing torches. How they would crumble while the reflection of the flames would light the skyline against the dark sky.” Hitler hated Manhattan. It was, he said, “the center of world Jewry.”
Less than 60 years later, Hitler’s plans were executed by Muslim immigrants living in Germany. At the 2003 trial of the network around Mohammed Atta (the pilot who flew into the World Trade Center), Shahid Nickels, a German convert to Islam and a friend of Atta’s, said that the Islamists had targeted Manhattan because it is “the center of world Jewry, and the world of finance and commerce controlled by it.”
Evil is forever.
Posted by: CraigC | November 07, 2007 at 09:19 AM
There's quite a bit of history between the Nazis and radical Islam.. David Horowitz and have written on the topic fairly extensively.. Some interesting short videos as well.
Islamic Mein Kampf
Posted by: Jake | November 07, 2007 at 09:20 AM
I knew it! The Joooooos are killing themselves by making them do this!
Posted by: prairie biker | November 07, 2007 at 09:48 AM
If you believe the conspiracy theorists, the Neocons (read Jooooos)set up the whole 9/11 thing to begin with.
Posted by: gail | November 07, 2007 at 10:07 AM