Come on in and talk. Or drop off one of your random bursts of verbal energy -- poem, limerick, story, top ten list, clerihew, essay, alliterative poem, rant, Surrealist or Dadaist poem, parody, cento, dirty joke, amusing syllepsis, haiku, dirty haiku . . . to share.
I'm all messed up. Yesterday felt like Saturday, so today feels more like Sunday, and I try not to work on Sunday.
So, can I just drink beer and watch football all day?
Posted by: Scott P | November 24, 2007 at 07:47 AM
Ego te absolvo. Go and sin some more.
Posted by: gail | November 24, 2007 at 08:36 AM
Whoo hoo!!!!!! Life is good.
Posted by: Scott P | November 24, 2007 at 12:15 PM