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The screw-on caps give that touch of class.


Yuuuuuuuum. Scorpeen wahn.


dammit, Gail. Was this necessary? the bad dreams just started to subside. You can say what you want about India, but they keep the damn snakes in baskets and out of the wine.


Actually, a point of clarification here. No cobra wine as shown. From Ho Chi Minh to Hanoi, I saw it in narrow bottles, like a balsamic vinegar bottle, all the better to showcase the distinctive physique of the cobra. shudder. shiver. yuuuuuk.


And there will be enmity between the woman and the snake.


I've had cobra wine in vietnam. I drew the line at eating a still beating snake heart that was offered though


You did not drink the cobra wine. YOU DID NOT DRINK IT. right? I think the Mariani has to be so much better. And yeah, I got invited to that beating snake heart party but I went and had my nails done instead. shiver.

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