Come on in and talk. Or drop off one of your random bursts of verbal energy -- poem, limerick, story, top ten list, clerihew, essay, alliterative poem, rant, Surrealist or or Dadaist poem, parody, cento, dirty joke, amusing syllepsis, haiku, dirty haiku . . . to share.
Another one based on current reading:
Pedro da Maia
Married a social pariah.
His wife fled to another man’s bed,
So he shot himself in the head.
Posted by: ken | February 04, 2008 at 01:33 PM
Posted by: gail | February 04, 2008 at 04:32 PM
A little late in response here...
Actually it isn't bad. Reading The Maias by Eça de Queirós and it is a fun read. Also fills in a huge gap for me regarding 19th century Portuguese history. Reminds me (so far) of Galdos in style, although not quite in quality. Still, very entertaining.
Posted by: ken | February 05, 2008 at 05:17 PM