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Er, damn, already happened.

I chose that only because that was the first dictatorship in our great country and I'm hopey that we won't be havin' another one.

I don't mean that kind of hopey, changey. I mean athwarty.


You're blogging again? I did not know that.


I'd have to go with Shemp or Skippy.


Well, assuming no one minds Daffy ... I'd have to say Adolph. It's ok if your cat looks like Hitler, and it's ok if your policies invoke him.... but just don't be too invocative of him in other manners....


Mrs. Hap.. Yep. Not to make a living or anything. Been feeling better so gonna post some. {{{Hugs}}}

Miss Cellania

I came in to post a siggestion, but after hearing Shemp, I can't even remember mine. Now I have to clean the screen.

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