I'm beginning to scan and archive my collection of antique (probably late nineteenth- to early twentieth-century) postcards. This is one of my favorites. -- Why do suppose they're wearing hats? Did people really say things like that back then? Did the girl in the middle forget to shave one underarm or is there a ferret on her shoulder?
I'll be putting the rest of these up over the next few weeks. Since a lot of them are from Ireland, I thought March would be a good time to start. For historical purposes, the backs are pretty interesting too, so under each one I'm also putting up small thumbnails of the obverse side that you can click on to enlarge. If you want to see them all once I'm done, they'll be archived under "Postcards." You also have my permission to use them aas long as you credit me (Gail Hapke) and Scribal Terror as the source.
Hey, we both did postcards posts today.
But I only gotta lousy book, not the actual cards.
Posted by: Julie | March 06, 2008 at 07:47 PM
Sure something that would be made more of today than it was likely intended back then.
I love stuff like this. I bought an old Japanese photo album (circa end of the 1800s) at an estate auction last year (I think it was last year) - done with the old silver development process (B&W) - then they've been hand colored rather like art pieces.
One of my projects has been to scan them and clean them up a bit with 'Shop. I've done a few - perhaps I'll get to putting some up on my site soon.
Thanks for sharing Gail - great stuff.
Posted by: MC | March 07, 2008 at 12:20 AM
great image. and I look forward to seeing the rest
Posted by: nursemyra | March 07, 2008 at 03:26 AM