John Arderne was a fourteenth century surgeon with the enviable title, Father of Proctology. Arderne specialized in the surgical treatment of anal fistula (fistula in ano), a "condition where a large, painful lump appears between the base of the spine and the anus" (Wikipedia), which he was able to excise in a dramatic, dangerous, and surprisingly successful procedure. A manuscript describing Arderne's method -- with pictures! -- is featured in the Glasgow Special Collections Library
"John Arderne, medieval proctologist"
I see it as an SNL skit, starring Dan Ackroyd...
Posted by: mojo | May 30, 2008 at 10:13 AM
Monty Python : King Arthur and the Holy Anal Fistula
The Collector: Bring out your Fistulates!
Posted by: Jake | May 30, 2008 at 12:26 PM
fantastic. wish I'd found this first - it's perfect for the gimcrack
Posted by: nursemyra | May 31, 2008 at 07:16 AM