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When I was young my father would come to visit once a month and he'd bring a big beef roast, a bottle of red wine and a loaf of this kind of bread with some real butter.. To some people chicken every Sunday, Momma is comfort food... To me it's this bread, slathered in butter and think slices of roast.. and everythings alright.


Since my kids were born 11 years apart, it was like having two helpings of "young family life." But now that Laura is almost done with high school, I'll have to start doing the empty nest thing in the not too distant future -- although she's planning to stay home for college.

Oops -- I meant to answer your comment on the other post.

Scott P

Wow, it looks great but it doesn't look very eggy.

Pale Blonde Hell & the Rabbit

OMG. That looks like heaven on a table. Yum.


Scott, it's not terribly eggy. There are just two eggs in the recipe.

Shell, it IS! I have to make another one tomorrow. Otherwise they'll chain me to the stove.

Pale Blonde Hell & the Rabbit

I think this will be a really good project for the girls and I tomorrow.

I bet it makes KILLER french toast!


This is the one I use, too. I got it from recipezaar, I think. My kids adore it. Yes, the French toast you can make from it is amazing!

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