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Jake -- I'll put in the "Part Three" when I find my links to Parts One and Two ...

Scott P

Jake, you rock.


Mmmmm. I really enjoyed reading that. I love it when you write, Jake.

Foglifter. Coffee has a new name in my head.


Thank you all.. I'm trying to capture the angst of growing old in a youth obsessed culture.. Spending the morning self-medicating with Svefn-g-englar.. It's very calming and doesnt knock me out like xanax..


I no longer feel angst at those moments. I know that, in the end, her life will be as grey as mine.
The world will swallow her pretty little soul just as surely as it swallowed mine and those of my fellow trolls.


There's rest in being invisible. More contemplative.


Ha! Iamnot.

I agree, Ana. There are perks to being invisible in a world where the focus is on chick-lets like this one. I actually like to watch the men who are watching the girls from under a cap. :)


Oh, and very nice writing, Jake.


.. and to rub salt in the wound, I accidentally left my X-Ray Specs at home that day...


Excellent, iamnot.

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