Sometimes I suspect the entire internet lacks a "theory of mind":
"The term 'theory of mind' is commonly understood to be an ability emerging in the minds of young children that allows
them to attribute thoughts and feelings to others. Before the age of about four years, toddlers are unable to make distinctions
between appearance and reality; however, in their fourth year, they slowly acquire the ability to predict what others are
thinking. . . .
"Although theory of mind is now taken for granted as a unique and natural human ability, research, mostly conducted among secondary and tertiary students, shows that when students of all ages are writing argumentative essays, they often do not take full advantage of their ability to appreciate the thoughts and beliefs of others. Rather, their writing displays a “myside bias,” ignoring the opinions that others may have on certain topics. . . ." From Liu & Stapleton, "Counterargumentation on the Primary Level"