He's off to serve us yet again. At the end of this 400-day "donut of misery," he explains, he "will have supported operations in Bosnia (1997), Afghanistan (2004-2005) and Iraq."
Some school kids sent a stuffed bear to Captain Brannon of the 101st Airborne, and since then he's had lots of adventures, for which he is, as the photo shows, very well equipped.
If he really did any of the things he says he did, he's a vicious little gnome and somebody should be smacking the snot out of him, not giving him a forum to flout his disgusting behavior. Volunteers?
Jill Stevens, newly crowned Miss Utah, is, in her other life, Sgt. Jill
Stevens, a member of 1st Battalion, 211th Aviation, Utah National
Guard. That makes her one of our best.